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private investigator

Angelina Hired a Private Investigator; Should You?

According to reports, Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt after her private investigator confirmed suspicion of his infidelity. Because California is a no fault state, there’s really nothing to be gained by...
Jobs and Divorce

5 of the Worst Jobs for a Marriage

Before taking a new job, it’s common to focus on how things like salary, benefits and commute will affect our lives. We may want to begin thinking about how this great new gig may...
Balancing Work and Pleasure

Balancing Work and Pleasure Post-Divorce

Many men who have been through a divorce throw themselves into their work in order to relieve the pain of separation. However, working too much can be unhealthy. It is very important that you...
Can you recieve Child Support

Can My Ex Be Forced to Pay Child Support?

Many men have the mistaken impression that only fathers can be forced to pay child support.  The fact is that many divorcing couples now include women who actually earn more than their husbands.  When...
Men and divorce

Myths About Men and Divorce

There are many “old wives’ tales” circulating when it comes to men and divorce.  However, the truth is often much more complicated than these deceptively simple statements would have us believe.  Some of the...
college funding during divorce

College Funding During a Divorce

There are many important decisions to be made during a divorce. When children are involved, these decisions can be even more complicated and may require help from an experienced divorce lawyer like those at...