A Harvard University professor is out with a new study that says it’s the division of work – not money matters – that play the biggest role in divorces.
The Study at a Glance
Researchers focused on marriages from different decades for their study. Interestingly, while the sharing of the workload was a common divorce factor, where the work was actually required differed.
Confused? Let’s break it down.
For couples who said their vows between 1975 and 2011, full-time work outside the home was a strong link for the chances of divorce.
With couples who wed before 1975, the share of housework performed by the wife greatly affected the risk for divorce.
Simply put, the researchers say that it’s the amount of the couple’s paid and unpaid work – not the money itself – that can have a greater effect on the stability of a marriage.
Is it All About What Society Thinks?
Lead researcher Alexandra Killewald said that societal values are at play here. Because marriage is a social institution, couples are more likely to have expectations on exactly what each partner will actually do when the marital knot is tied.
As those husband-breadwinner and wife-homemaker expectations have changed over time, so have the factors that may affect a couple’s risks of divorce.
Are Men Being Shortchanged?
According to the study, men in more recently married couples are pitching in more with housework, and women are enjoying the somewhat newfound flexibility of deciding whether or not to work full-time outside the home or focus on household work.
However, men who did not have full-time employment faced a higher risk of divorce than men who were working full-time.
Are You a Man Facing Divorce? Call The Men’s Legal Center
Let’s face it: there’s a reason why it’s believed women get a better deal in divorces. That’s why here at The Men’s Legal Center, we’re fierce in pursing and protecting the rights all men have in the divorce process.
If you’re facing divorce, call us at (619) 234-3838, or you can get in touch via email.