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special needs child custody

Custody of Children With Special Needs

If you have a child with special needs, custody issues can be complicated when you divorce. Many special needs children require much more in the way of financial support than other children. In addition,...
travel and child custody

Taking Your Children Out of the Country

If you are divorced and have a custody agreement that allows you to take your children on vacation, you may one day want to take them somewhere beyond the borders of the United States....
California Divorce Questions

Questions and Answers About California Divorce

If you are facing a divorce, you probably have many questions about how the procedure is handled in California. Here are a few common questions and their answers. What reasons can I use for...
protecting rights as a father

Your Rights As A Father

If you are the father of a child, there are certain legal rights you have as a matter of course. Only a judge can terminate those rights, and then only after a properly-filed petition...
childrens medical records

Do I Have Access To My Child’s Records?

In the past, fathers have sometimes been bypassed when it comes to access to children’s medical, school or other important records, particularly if they were not the primary custodian of the children. Today, the...
choosing the right babysitter

Choosing the Right Babysitter for Your Kids

After a divorce, it is likely that you will be spending time with your children without the help and support of your spouse. That means that you may need to hire a babysitter for...
express yourself during divorce

Express Yourself During Your Divorce

As a man, you may have been raised to avoid any display of emotion. It is common for men to feel that they must suffer in stoic silence, even when they are heartbroken at...
when she drops the divorce bomb

When the Bomb Drops

For many men, a request for divorce from his wife is the first indication that something is wrong in the marriage. In many cases, the news hits him seemingly “out of the blue.” The...
prenuptial vs postnuptial agreements

Prenuptial Vs Postnuptial Agreements

When entering a marriage, some couples develop and sign a prenuptial agreement. This type of agreement can help smooth the process of divorce if it occurs. However, a prenuptial agreement is not the only...