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domestic violence

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a serious crime which involves the use of violent force against someone living in the home. In many instances, domestic violence involves two spouses. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic...
life after divorce

Life After Divorce: It’s Not All Bad

When you are going through divorce, stress levels are usually high. Once the divorce is over, those feelings do not go away immediately. Your mental state may make it hard to get out of...
uncontested divorce

What Is An Uncontested Divorce?

The term “uncontested divorce” may be misleading to some people. The words do not mean that the couple agree on every aspect of their separation; instead, it simply means that they have both agreed...
men's family law

Why Do Men Need A Family Law Attorney?

If you are a man and you are going through a divorce, you may find that a family law attorney for men will better serve your needs than a general divorce attorney. The Men’s...
marriage after divorce

Marriage After Divorce

After a divorce, many people swear they will never marry again. However, just because you have a divorce under your belt does not mean that you cannot have a successful second marriage. The team...
estate planning divorce

Estate Planning After A Divorce

Divorce involves many important decisions about how to separate and re-title assets. Sometimes more immediate financial decisions overshadow your need to make changes in your long-term estate planning. Most spouses do not want the...
grandparents and divorce

The Role Of Grandparents In Divorce

Grandparents often take a backseat in the divorce process, no matter how involved they were with their grandchildren prior to the divorce. In California, grandparents may have more rights in a divorce situation than...
Hidden Assets

Uncovering Hidden Assets Through Litigation

When marriage gets tough, people often resort to hiding their money away in the anticipation of a divorce. Although the law states that the couple should divide their assets because they are community property,...