If you are a man and you are going through a divorce, you may find that a family law attorney for men will better serve your needs than a general divorce attorney. The Men’s Legal Center offers you professional legal representation that is targeted for your specific needs as a man going through a divorce.
Hiring a family law attorney may be the smartest thing you can do to protect your rights as a husband and father. While hiring a divorce attorney in San Diego is not difficult, we feel that men have special requirements when it comes to family law issues, and we try to address those specific needs in a caring and professional manner.
What Happens To Men In Divorce
While judges and juries have come a long way in the past 50 years, the fact is that it is still likely that the woman will retain custody of the children and will be given more money in a divorce than a man. That is not always the case; in some instance, mothers have had to pay child support and even alimony to their ex-husbands, who retained custody of the children. However, that is not the norm, even in the present day.
Although some experts dispute the gender disparity in court, the numbers show that about 85 percent of divorces result in primary custody of the children being awarded to the mother. However, this does not necessarily establish gender preference, because mothers are far more likely to ask for custody in the first place, just as women are far more likely to file divorce actions than men. About 70 percent of all divorces are initiated by female partners, a number that mirrors the number of custody awards to mothers rather closely.
What may happen in a divorce when men are excluded from custody is that they have not requested visitation or custody properly or they cannot show that they are the best choice for taking care of the children. On the other hand, when a man can build a solid case for primary custody, a judge may award it to him.
To learn more, contact the experienced attorneys at Men’s Legal Center. We can help you understand your rights regarding custody of your children and build your case to protect your family.