my ex and my tax return

Is My Ex Entitled to My Tax Return?

If you are in the midst of a divorce, dividing your tax return can be complicated. Most couples benefit from filing a joint tax return to maximize deductions, but this can lead to complications...
mother's day and divorce

Handling Mother’s Day During a Divorce

Mother’s Day is a special time for mothers and children to enjoy together. Unfortunately, divorced men may feel pulled in different directions on this important day. For example, you may want to spend time...
children taking on too much

Are Your Children Taking On Too Much?

A subtle problem that can develop when families are going through a divorce is that of “filling in the gaps,” or children attempting to fix what they see is wrong with their families. Children...
online posting and divorce

How To Handle Your Online Posts During A Divorce

Today’s world is saturated with online content. Between social media, email and blogs, an individual can post his or her thoughts almost as soon as they occur and share them with a large number...
men after a divorce

What Happens To Men After a Divorce?

Whether you are unhappy or relieved that your marriage is over, a divorce is likely to raise some strong emotions. Men are often seen as the unemotional partners in a marriage, but divorce can...
child visitation questions

Settling Religious Visitation Questions in Divorce

Certain holidays have special meanings for various religions. The word “holiday” is actually a derivative of “holy day,” a day that was set aside for observance of religious beliefs and affirmations of faith. With...
financial future after divorce

Think of Your Financial Future During Divorce

Financial planning is extremely important. However, not all events can be planned for. In the case of divorce, it is highly unlikely that the couple planned ahead for it financially, so many couples are...
paternity issues in california

Paternity Issues in California

Just as a mother in California has legal rights and responsibilities, so does the father of a child. However, there are instances when a woman claims that a man is the father of a...