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Man Installs Camera To Capture Abuse From Wife

Man Installs Camera To Capture Abuse From Wife

Fearful that police would not believe his claims of being a battered husband, Neil Tweedy decided to install a hidden camera to catch his abusive wife in action. How did things turn out for...
Men and Domestic Violence

Do Men Really Have Equal Protection Under The Law?

California law provides equal protection for those of any gender or gender identification when it comes to domestic abuse.  However, it took a court decision to ensure that those who suffered from domestic violence...
Abuse Allegations

The Hard Truth About Abuse Allegations

False allegations of abuse are often made against men going through divorce.  While domestic violence is a serious issue, there are also many more resources to help victims than ever before.  As the public...
domestic violence

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a serious crime which involves the use of violent force against someone living in the home. In many instances, domestic violence involves two spouses. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic...
men suffer domestic abuse

Domestic Abuse is Not Just a Male Issue

Domestic abuse is a serious problem that is marked by controlling behaviors that include threats, intimidation tactics, and even violence. American sociologist Michael P. Johnson has called these behaviors “intimate terrorism”. But who are...