Summer Vacation Planning Advice for Divorced Dads


Summer Vacation Planning Advice for Divorced Dads

vacation, san diego divorce

If you’re a divorced dad with a school-age child, you should know that the school year will be ending soon, which means summer vacation is right around the corner.

In this issue, we’ll share a few tips for steps you can take now to make sure the summer of 2018 is a good one for you and your child.

When does the school year end?

Here in San Diego, the last day of the school is Wednesday, June 13.

When should I begin making summer plans?

While it may seem like you have plenty of time, the sooner you begin to firm up your summer plans, the better. Make time now to speak with your ex about vacation time you have at work and how you’d like to spend it with your child.

Even if your ex is not flexible with your desires, keep the interests of your child at the forefront, and take the high road by putting the child first.

Also, if one of you is in a better position than the other to make sure your child is supervised and is able to provide a significant amount of quality time, it may be in your child’s best interest to spend the majority of summer vacation with that parent; not all of it, but most.

What should I tell my ex about vacation time with my child?

There’s hardly any information that should be considered insignificant. In case an emergency arises, it’s crucial that your ex knows:

  • where you’ll be going;
  • where you’ll be staying;
  • how you’ll get there (including mode of transportation, flight numbers, etc.);
  • contact information; and
  • when you’ll return.

Keep in mind, this has nothing to do with control or privacy; rather, it’s all about the safety of your child.

What if my child would rather do something else?

Perhaps your child has grown accustomed to a particular summer camp, a summer team sport or overnight stays at a friend’s house, and would rather do that. Either way, the key is to do as much as you can to make sure your child’s life continues to go along as normal as possible. Try not to take it personally if your child would rather hang out with friends.

How can I use this time to increase our bond?

Summertime is the perfect opportunity to up your game in strengthening the bond with your child. Commit to making it a summer centered upon your child so that it can be a positive and stress-free time for both of you.

Need a men’s divorce lawyer in San Diego? Call The Men’s Legal Center

We’re huge fans of dads and are committed to providing you with tips and other information designed to not only maintain but strengthen your relationship with your child.

If you’re a man facing divorce, we urge you to get in touch with us here at the Men’s Legal Center. Our sole purpose is to make sure men have the resources and knowledge they need for the best possible outcome in family court.

You can reach us at 619-234-3838 or via email.



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