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materialism in children, child custody lawyer, child custody san diego, single parents, single-parenting, san diego

4 Ways to Raise Non-Materialistic Children

In a world where great value is placed on “things,” it can be difficult for parents to teach their children to value experiences over materialism. Seemingly throughout their days, children are awash with ads...
single parents, single parents san diego

3 Steps For Flourishing as a Single Parent

Hardly any man plans to be a divorced parent. The good news, however, is that being a divorced parent can put you in a position to thrive. In this issue, the San Diego family...
child's meltdown, kids temper tantrum, crying, children crying

How To Tame Your Child’s Meltdown

We, humans, are emotional creatures, and it’s not unusual for parents to struggle with ways to deal with outbursts or tantrums from their children. The dilemma can be especially challenging for single parents. In...