Marriage and divorce statistics would seem to be straightforward topics for discussion, but they are often complicated. For example, it is common for experts to casually declare that 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce, but it is more difficult to parse from that statistic exactly which marriages are ending. In fact, the 50 percent figure is on the decline, and the shift in marriage values may be responsible.
Divorce statistics can involve many factors that contribute to rate changes. For example, when divorce numbers drop, some people are quick to assume that divorce is on the decline, when the change may simply mean that fewer people are able to file for divorce or even that there are fewer marriages. Likewise, when divorce numbers climb, it does not necessarily mean that the rate of divorce is increasing.
Divorce and Marriage Statistics
After looking closely at divorce and marriage statistics and trends, the New York Times reported: “Those who married in the 2000s are so far divorcing at even lower rates. If current trends continue, nearly two-thirds of marriages will never involve a divorce, according to data from Justin Wolfers, a University of Michigan economist (who also contributes to The Upshot).”
It is important to analyze this statement carefully. While divorce rates are dropping, not all groups are affected; in fact, some groups have even higher rates than ever of divorce when they are viewed outside the context of all married couples.
One factor that may be contributing to the perception of lower divorce rates is that many people are marrying later in life, often with both partners being financially stable. When a couple is more financially stable, the factors of financial stress and strain that can potentially cripple a marriage or relationship becomes far less hazardous to the couple’s emotional health.
Another change that has developed over the past ten to 15 years is that fewer people with lower incomes are getting married. This change has had a big impact because in the past, those with lower incomes had higher rates of divorce. However, when people with lower incomes choose not to marry for financial reasons, they remove themselves from the pool of potential divorce candidates. This may skew the overall divorce numbers.
Today, living together without being married is much less shocking socially than in the past. This may have caused some people to have less incentive to marry. Couples who are cohabitating and then break up do not count in divorce rates, although these break ups can be just as disruptive as actual divorces.
Men’s Legal Can Help You With Your Divorce
Divorce is something you never want to go through alone. If you live in or around the San Diego area and are considering filing for divorce, the dedicated and experienced men’s divorce attorneys at Men’s Legal Center may be able to help you. Men’s Legal Center will help you respond to a divorce immediately, which will help you shorten the period of stress and suffering caused by the process. Contact the attorneys at the Men’s Legal Center today and set up an initial consultation.