Studies Reveal Young People More Reluctant Than Ever to Get Married


Studies Reveal Young People More Reluctant Than Ever to Get Married

For many years, sociologists and other researchers have watched as the average age of the people who have decided to get married for the first time has risen.  Many felt that this was because of realities in the lives of young people including their desire to obtain higher levels of education and to establish themselves professionally before settling down on the domestic front.  However, the results of recent studies have revealed that there could be other reasons for this advancing in the average age of brides and grooms.

Specifically, research that was done by the journal Family Relations states that more and more young people are reluctant to get married for fear of encountering the possibility of a divorce.  In addition, a study that was completed by researchers at Cornell University and the University of Central Oklahoma concluded that there is increasing belief in the United States that marriage is nothing more than a ‘piece of paper’ that can be undone.

While it appears that these two conclusions are in opposition to each other, the fact remains that people’s attitudes towards marriage is changing as a whole.  Almost half of the households in the United States currently are unmarried, and this trend has been moving upward for many years now as fewer people are getting married, more people are getting divorced and more people decide that they simply want to live together.

San Diego Divorce Lawyers

While society’s attitude towards marriage may be changing, one thing that remains a constant is that if someone is encountering the possibility of their marriage ending, that person needs to take action to make sure that his legal rights are properly protected and enforced.  As such, someone who understands his rights and options is likely to emerge from a divorce in a better position than someone who does not.

If you are contemplating the end of your marriage, you need to seek the help of San Diego divorce lawyers who have been fighting for the rights of fathers and husbands for many years.  Contact the Men’s Legal Center today to schedule an initial consultation.

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