When parents of a child decide that they need to pursue a divorce and they have children, the situations can often turn nasty if the custody of those children is an issue that’s contested. There are several different factors that judges can consider when making this critically important decision, and one of those factors that’s been used increasingly across the United States is whether one or both parents smoke and whether a child could be harmed by exposure to it.
As of now, 18 different states, including California, will consider the issue of smoking when deciding on child custody. Apparently, this development is catching on in different parts of the world, as Saudi Arabia has announced that judges overseeing divorces can also consider the presence of secondhand smoke when deciding on the custody of the children from a marriage. This was seen as a surprise considering that Saudi Arabia is the fourth largest importer of cigarettes and tobacco products in the world.
It should be noted that while this line of consideration is common with how things are handled in the United States, the overall system of divorce in Saudi Arabia could not be more different. For example, part of the announcement regarding the smoking issue was that women would not be allowed to seek a divorce if they are experiencing health problems because their husbands smoke.
San Diego Child Custody Lawyers
When a father realizes that he will need to fight for the custody of his children, he also needs to realize that there are a number of things that could become relevant evidence pursuant to the decision that will be made by the court. These things could include actions and even statements, and a father facing this situation needs to obtain professional help as soon as possible.
If you are a father who is facing a potential battle for the right to raise your children, you need to seek the help of San Diego child custody lawyers who have been fighting for the rights of dads for many years. Contact the Men’s Legal Center today to schedule an initial consultation.