In the minds of some, divorce is often connected to destruction; the destruction of a marriage, a home or a planned future. But for just as many, divorce is seen as a gift.
In this article, we’ll talk about why.
Divorce is the End of Your Marriage; Not Your Life
According to data from the Pew Research Center, 23% of all married persons in the US have been married before.
Think about that for a moment.
Those who are choosing to give matrimony another chance realized that their divorce wasn’t a death sentence for their hopes and dreams. Instead, they saw their divorce as the end of a negative situation and the opportunity to begin anew.
Time to Focus on Yourself
In a recent interview with The Toronto Star, author Jill Stockwell said divorce is a fantastic opportunity to spread your wings.
“We put ourselves in little boxes, and everybody does it,” she said. “I think when you get divorced, it’s a great time to get a box cutter and say, ‘I’m going to give myself a lot more freedom to take stock of who I am right now and what I might want.’”
Divorce is Not The Worst Thing For Your Kids
In a quote published on The Huffington Post, personal branding guru Matt Sweetwood revealed his own family’s experiences with divorce.
“After my first wife and mother of my five children left, I felt like going through divorce was the worst thing that could happen to a family,” he said. “So when my second marriage was falling apart, as my kids sole and single parent, I was desperate to protect them from the trauma of another divorce. As a result, I kept the family in a situation that wasn’t good for any of us. The reality is, the worst thing for your children is for them to live in a hostile home and have them see you unhappy. My life and my children’s’ lives have gotten better and happier with each passing day after the divorce.”
Echoing those thoughts but from the perspective of a child of divorce is journalist Lisa Ling. Speaking with, Ling said, “My parents divorced when I was 7. Though it was a very difficult thing to go through as a child, I believe that—in retrospect—my parents’ divorce was the best thing that ever happened to me. Don’t take this to mean I’m some kind of advocate for divorce; I just don’t think it should be perceived as always being negative. Sometimes, it’s just the right thing.”
Are You A Man Thinking About Divorce? Call The Men’s Legal Center in San Diego
Here at The Men’s Legal Center, we’re committed to providing legal expertise and representation for men in Family Court in San Diego and the surrounding areas. We represent husbands, fathers and non-custodial parents alike.
To contact the Men’s Legal Center, call (619) 234-3838 or send an email.