New South Carolina Law Requires More Detail for Child Custody Plans


New South Carolina Law Requires More Detail for Child Custody Plans


For many years, the issue of child custody was one that was generally decided on affidavits submitted by the parents to the court and by proposals made by the child custody lawyers working on the case from each side.  Many times, this left the judge with a difficult decision because of the dearth of information that was sometimes available.  However, a new law has recently taken effect in South Carolina that is designed to provide more information to the court regarding the best interests of the child.

Specifically, this law took effect on August 20 and it requires parents to submit a form to the court that details the proposed child custody plan for both during the school year and during vacations.  This form must also include several elements, examples of which include details regarding access to the child’s medical and school records, the amount of time a child can spend on the Internet and which sites can and cannot be visited, details regarding the child’s exposure to a parent’s social life and the type of contact the child can have with a parent while being cared for by the other parent.

These requirements are being put in place not only so that the court can have more information before making a child custody decision, but also so the court can review how much time and effort each parent has put into the plan.  Overall, the law is designed to take the issue of child custody away from the rest of the issues involved in a divorce.

San Diego Child Custody Lawyers

While this law seems somewhat new and unique, the fact of the matter is that every parent who is fighting for custody of his children needs to put his best foot forward when convincing the court that the best interests of the child would be served by being with his or her father.  This should also be done with the help of an experienced professional.

If you are facing this issue and you need to build a strong case, seek the help of San Diego child custody lawyers who have been fighting for the rights of fathers for many years.  Contact the Men’s Legal Center today to schedule an initial consultation.

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