Supporting a child’s education is the top job for parents. It can be especially challenging for parents who are divorced – but it doesn’t have to be that way.
In this issue, we’ll share tips for how you can up your game when it comes to supporting your child’s education.
Do non-custodial parents have access to their child’s education?
They sure do! In fact, access is guaranteed by law and has nothing to do with which parent with whom the child lives.
Because of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), your child’s school is required to provide you with access to the educational records of your child. The only thing that could block access is a specific court order or legally binding agreement that specifically bars it.
How can divorced dads be more involved with their child’s education?
There are a number of steps you can take to support your child’s education.
- Make your child’s teacher aware of the situation.
Custody arrangements can and do differ from family to family, and your child’s teacher can’t be expected to keep up with your schedule throughout the school year. However, the teacher should be aware of your family’s situation. You, your ex and your child’s teacher should work as a team to promote a positive academic experience for your child.
- Know the school calendar.
In the digital age, it’s incredibly easy to gain access to your child’s school calendar. Most schools post a calendar to their website, and will include listings for testing dates, assemblies, special events and sports schedules.
It’s also a good idea to create a Google shared calendar with your ex. Doing this makes it easier to share information as part of a weekly family routine.
- Be involved in parent-teacher conferences.
For divorced parents, attending parent-teacher conferences can be tricky, but you need to be a part of the conferences because it’s a face-to-face meeting to assess your child’s progress.
If it’s not possible for you and your ex to attend the conference without conflict, request a separate conference with the teacher.
- Schedule homework time.
Children need routine, and if you have your child for just a few days during the week, it can be tempting to skip homework. But a key component of being actively involved in your child’s education is doing homework together.
Are you a father who’s considering divorce in San Diego? Call the Men’s Legal Center.
While it can be difficult to attend every school function, the most important thing is to let your child know you’re there for them.
If you’re a man facing divorce, we urge you to leverage the skills and expertise of a men’s divorce lawyer in San Diego.
Our number here at the Men’s Legal Center is 619-234-3838. You can also reach us via email.