The relationship between a father and daughter is a special one. It can also be very fragile. In fact, research confirms that the bond with her father is one of the most vital components in your daughter’s life.
For any number of reasons, however, many fathers do not always know how to connect with their daughter – especially after divorce.
In this issue, we’ll talk about ways you can not only maintain but strengthen your relationship with your daughter following divorce.
Why is the father-daughter bond so important?
Speaking with The Huffington Post, Terry Gaspard said that “many women underestimate the importance their father has in their lives.”
The overriding theme of the remark is that her father’s impact on her life will have a tremendous impact on how a daughter thinks of herself, her psychological well-being and her overall view of men in her life.
How can I keep my relationship with my daughter strong?
There are actually quite a few things you can do to make sure you and your daughter remain close, regardless of distance.
- Say only positive things about your ex in front of your daughter so that loyalty conflicts will not become an issue;
- Encourage your daughter to pursue interests related to her strengths or help her to identify her strengths;
- No matter where you are, stay connected through letters, texts, emails, etc.;
- Plan exclusive daddy-daughter date times (good destinations include the zoo or a park, perhaps a picnic or a movie); and
- Be patient and understanding during the teen years when “time with daddy” may take a back seat as she become interested in other things.
Facing Divorce in San Diego? Call The Men’s Legal Center
We love children and are firm believers that dads continue to play pivotal roles in the lives of their children even after divorce.
If you’re a man facing divorce, we urge you to get in touch with us here at the Men’s Legal Center. Our sole purpose is to make sure men have the resources and knowledge they need for the best possible outcome in family court.
You can reach us at 619-234-3838 or via email.