You CAN Work With Your Ex And Your Child's Teacher!!!


You CAN Work With Your Ex And Your Child’s Teacher!!!

Working with your ex and the teacher

The two biggest problems facing divorced couples, after the property is divided and child support amounts are decided upon, is how to interact with each other when it comes to their children. While visitation may be spelled out in your divorce agreement, often you must deal with your ex in order to effectively work with your child’s teachers, healthcare providers, and others who have a great impact on your child’s life. This can lead to misunderstandings and problems. Here are a few tips to ensure that you and your ex can work together for the benefit of the children.

  • Get it in writing. The easiest and best way to ensure that you and your ex have a clear understanding of each other’s rights is to include them in the agreement. Your divorce agreement should spell out the fact that you have unlimited access to your child’s school and health records, as does your former spouse. Your agreement should also state under which conditions each of you can make emergency decisions for the child or make changes to existing records, services provided by educational agencies, or other important factors in your child’s life.
  • Correspond in writing. If you need to inform your ex of something regarding your child’s education or health, be sure to send it in written form so that you have a record of what was said. If you and your ex have a good relationship, it may be tempting to do things by word of mouth. However, things can change between you, so it is better to have a written record of your agreements and any changes made to the status quo.
  • Take an active part. Go to parent teacher conferences, your child’s doctor’s visits and other important events. When you take an active role, not only does your child know you care and are interested but it sends a clear message to your ex that you will not be intimidated out of your responsibilities as a father.

If you have trouble negotiating or communicating with your ex, or if she is attempting to deny you access to your child or your child’s important records, it is important that you stand up for your legal rights. The attorneys at Men’s Legal Center in San Diego are here to help you do that. Call us today to find out how we can help.

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