Be Prepared With This 4-Point Divorce Checklist


Be Prepared With This 4-Point Divorce Checklist


Because divorce affects the rest of your life and that of each member of your family, it’s imperative you take every step possible in focusing on the big picture, not just the granting of your divorce decree. The best way to make sure things go your way during the divorce process is being represented by a divorce lawyer who knows your goals and every aspect of your case.

In this issue, the San Diego divorce lawyers with the Men’s Legal Center will share a checklist that, if followed, should ensure that both you and your lawyer are prepared to move forward.

4-Point Divorce Checklist

  1. Gather comprehensive financial documents.
    Think well beyond your most recent bank statement. In addition to custody and visitation issues, the financial aspect of your situation will have the largest impact on your divorce. In order for your divorce lawyer to have an all-inclusive understanding of your financial situation, try to have financial data that goes back at least three (3) years.


You should include:

  • Business appraisals
  • Copies of pay stubs
  • Banking and savings account information
  • Credit card account details
  • Joint income tax returns
  • Mortgage information
  • Motor vehicle loans
  • Investment statements
  • Social Security information
  • Agreements related to wills and trusts
  • Details about pension plans (401k, IRA, 403b, etc.)
  1. Details about your children.
    In addition to listing the names and date of birth for each child, you have together, write down the parenting issues that are most important to you. This can include how you’d prefer custody and visitation to be handled, which parent will be able to claim the child for tax dependent purposes, who will pay for college, etc.Keep in mind that what you include at this stage is not intended to serve as the final word on these issues. Rather, these are more like conversation starters to begin the planning process. If you and the other parent can come to an agreement on your own, the court is more likely to sign off on it.
  2. Information about your personal property.
    This includes real estate and items like jewelry, antiques, art…anything purchased and owned over the course of the marriage. You should also include an approximate dollar value of each item.
  3. Any other documentation related to the marriage.
    This can include copies of your marriage certificate, prenuptial or post-nuptial agreements, etc.

If you’re facing divorce, call the San Diego men’s divorce lawyers at the Men’s Legal Center.

Because divorce will affect just about every aspect of your life, it’s key that you focus on the big picture. By taking the time to make sure you and your San Diego divorce lawyer are as prepared as possible, you’re investing in positioning yourself for the best possible outcome.

If you’re a man facing divorce, we urge you to get in touch with us here at the Men’s Legal Center. Our sole purpose is to make sure men have the resources and knowledge they need for the best possible outcome in family court.

You can reach us at 619-234-3838 or via email.

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