January Sees Highest Number of Divorce Filings


January Sees Highest Number of Divorce Filings

january divorce statistics

January is the month in which most divorces are filed, according to statistics. The first Monday of the year is the most popular day for filing a divorce, according to the president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, James McLaren. In fact, the first three months of the year typically see one-third more filings than the rest of the year.

Those facing a divorce often need the advice and assistance of a good attorney, so it is important to talk to a lawyer immediately, especially if your spouse leaves at the first of the year when divorce lawyers are typically fully booked. The Men’s Legal Center can assist you with filing your divorce and protecting your rights.

Why Do Divorces Spike in January?

Because several important holidays fall at the end of the calendar year, many spouses quietly stay together until the family gatherings are complete. Additionally, there may be tax benefits to staying together for a full year, so many couples “tough it out” until January 1. There may also be fewer available court days from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day, meaning that some couples may be forced to wait to file their divorce petitions.

There may also be a psychological component to this phenomenon. Many people see the first day of the year as a fresh start and resolve to change significant aspects of their lives beginning on that day. The “New Year’s Resolution Syndrome” may well affect those considering divorce, prompting them to start the New Year by finally taking the step of ending the marriage.

What Should I Do If My Spouse Wants a Divorce?

If you are a man who is facing a divorce action, you should be aware that the steps you take to protect yourself and your children can have lasting effects on your future. Many men faced with a post-holiday divorce request are tempted to give their wives whatever they want, but this is often a mistake. You should seek the advice of an experienced divorce attorney before making any important decisions.

Contact the Men’s Legal Center today. The sooner you talk to one of our compassionate and experienced divorce attorneys the sooner we can begin to help you secure your future as well as that of your children. Divorce is difficult, but we can help you through the process.

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