Utah Considers Change to the Language of Child Custody Law


Utah Considers Change to the Language of Child Custody Law

Utah is like many other jurisdictions when it comes to issues regarding child custody in that many people, particularly fathers, feel that there is an unwritten bias towards mothers when these disputes arise and a decision on primary custody must be made.  As a result of a tragedy that occurred last year, an addendum to the existing child custody is being offered in the legislature that would explicitly outlaw this perceived bias by judges.

Specifically, the father and the grandparents of a three-year-old girl who was killed in a car accident after her mother allegedly consumed intoxicants and crashed have found a legislator to sponsor a change in the language of the Utah child custody statute that would basically add a sentence to the law.  This sentence would prevent judges from discriminating against a parent on the basis of gender, race, religious preference, or age and specifically requires judges to make these decisions based on the best interests of a child.

While advocates of equal protection appear to be speaking out in favor of this added language, skeptics feel that this additional sentence will do little to change the basic elements that are considered when a decision is made with regards to child custody.  However, the language still has several steps to take before it will even be incorporated into the existing Utah child custody statutes.

San Diego Child Custody Lawyers

While any effort to remove any bias with regards to child custody decisions – whether these biases are real or perceived – will hopefully lead to fairer custody decisions, the fact of the matter is that any father who faces this battle needs to take steps to protect his legal rights and interests.  These steps include building the strongest case possible that will allow him to show a court that he deserves primary custody of the children of a marriage.

If you are facing this difficult situation, you need to seek the help of San Diego child custody lawyers who have been fighting for the rights of fathers for many years.  Contact the Men’s Legal Center today to schedule an initial consultation.

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