What Happens To Men After a Divorce?


What Happens To Men After a Divorce?

men after a divorce

Whether you are unhappy or relieved that your marriage is over, a divorce is likely to raise some strong emotions. Men are often seen as the unemotional partners in a marriage, but divorce can have deep and lasting effects on men. In fact, some men are still struggling years after a divorce to cope with the emotional fallout.

Studies on the effects of divorce on men vary in their purpose and their results. Some studies have confirmed that many men end up better off financially after a divorce, but other studies show that divorced men have a higher rate of suicide than married or single men.

What Drives Divorce Recovery?

How quickly a man recovers from a divorce can hinge on several important factors. At variance in the struggle for recovery are:

  • The man’s self-esteem before the divorce
  • The amount of time the marriage lasted
  • Whether there are children
  • How long the man and woman have been separated before filing

In addition, other factors can affect the emotional health of a man going through a divorce, especially if they involve extremes. For example, men who are well-off financially have fewer money issues than those who enter divorce without a great deal of cash. Lack of money can cause tremendous stress for a man, particularly in the months immediately following a divorce. However, having a great deal of money can also cause stress when it comes to dividing assets fairly. Very wealthy men are often under pressure in a divorce due to funding a fair settlement for their former spouses.

How Can I Recover More Quickly?

While a wide variety of factors generate stress in divorces, there are some important ways in which you can help yourself recover more quickly and regain your emotional equilibrium. To achieve good emotional health after a divorce, you should:

  • Admit that divorce is difficult. Instead of trying to appear brave or handle everything alone, realize that you are going to have some difficult days and may need the support of friends and family.
  • Seek professional help. There is no shame in admitting that you need help dealing with your emotions. Talk to someone about your feelings and give yourself a safe way to vent your anger, sadness and hurt.
  • Make a plan. Men who have strong legal support in their divorces will have an easier time than those who try to handle their own divorce.

The attorneys at the Men’s Legal Center are ready to help you cope with the legal realities of divorce. Contact us today for an appointment.

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