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Why Are More Women Paying Spousal and Child Support?

Court-ordered obligations to pay spousal and child support have long been are common for many going through the divorce process. A recent survey, however, is confirming that big changes are afoot in terms of...
How Divorce Drastically Improved Ross’s Life

How Divorce Drastically Improved Ross’s Life

There’s much truth to the familiar saying that “We often don’t know what we’re capable of until we’re stretched beyond our comfort zones.” Ross Szabo is a perfect example. Writing for The Huffington Post,...

Why Not To Get Married On Your “Lucky Day”

A first-of-its-kind study has found that couples who choose gimmick dates for their weddings (Valentine’s Day, unique number dates like 09/9/99 or “lucky number” dates) are more likely to divorce than are their peers...

4 Holiday Tips for Divorced Dads

Things can get tricky this time of year for divorced dads as we head into the holiday season. It doesn’t have to be a bad experience. In this issue, we’ll share a few tips...