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5 Laundry Hacks for Men

In a recent issue, we shared a simple life hack for divorced men about an easy way to de-wrinkle shirts. Are men notoriously bad with laundry? An article from Cosmopolitan magazine suggested so when...
medical, child custody, kids medical

Learn What To Do During Your Child’s Medical Emergency

Medical emergencies are never scheduled, but if one occurs to your child during visitation, you’re on deck. The ability to provide necessary and effective treatment could literally be the difference between life and death....
child custody and summer visitation

Plan Now For Summer Visitation

Some couples have a more relaxed approach to summer visitation with children than others.  In fact, some couples work together very well, often planning their vacations around each partner’s schedule and allowing for some...
William John Wallace

How To Deal Successfully With A Former Spouse

A recent news story about a man who was arrested for allegedly trying to have his former spouse killed over child support brings attention to an often-ignored area of divorce law: the after effects....
men's child custody attorneys

Women and Divorce: The New Reality of Child Custody

Child custody is a question that has generated more emotion and conflict than almost any other related to the dissolution of marriages and relationships.  Where the children will live, who will have control of...