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Why Are More Women Paying Spousal and Child Support?

Court-ordered obligations to pay spousal and child support have long been are common for many going through the divorce process. A recent survey, however, is confirming that big changes are afoot in terms of...

How to Avoid Child Favoritism

If you have children, you may be favoring one child over another and not even realize it. Research tells us that parental favoritism is surprisingly normal, even if we don’t know we’re doing it....

5 Easy-Peasy Ideas for Outdoor Fun With Your Child!

Time with your children should be cherished, and the chances are good that you’ll never regret spending time with them. Surprising to some fathers, though, is the realization that you don’t have to make...
screen time

5 Tips for Reducing Your Child’s Gadget Time

Time with your children is something to be cherished. With many children’s fascination with gadgets and technology, however, quality time with your child can be a fleeting idea. In this issue, we’ll talk about...

Did Ralphie May Hide a $200,000 Asset From His Ex?

According to the former wife of Ralphie May, the legendary comedian hid an expensive tour bus during their divorce proceedings. She claims they bought the $200,000 bus together, and she’s now suing his former...
divorce judgement

How to Get a Copy of Your Divorce Judgment

Once your divorce is final, you will receive a certified copy of your divorce judgment. It will be signed by the presiding judge in your case and will include details about the divorce, including...