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How Is Social Media Affecting Married Couples

Social media is having a startlingly large influence on married couples, resulting in an increasing number of separations and divorces.  At least 10 percent of married couples who use social media say that technology...
Divorce and Finances

Financial Tips for Men’s Divorce

Men often face certain financial challenges when they seek divorce. According to some experts, this can place undue stress on men and cause them to make poor decisions or even to face physical illness...
travel and child custody

Taking Your Children Out of the Country

If you are divorced and have a custody agreement that allows you to take your children on vacation, you may one day want to take them somewhere beyond the borders of the United States....
California Divorce Questions

Questions and Answers About California Divorce

If you are facing a divorce, you probably have many questions about how the procedure is handled in California. Here are a few common questions and their answers. What reasons can I use for...
vacation time and divorce

Dividing Your Vacation Time Successfully

You may already be planning a great spring break or summer vacation, but what happens when your ex becomes obstructive and tries to spoil your vacation plans? The key to preventing this type of...
divorce coins

Divorce and Tax Filing Season

Divorce brings up many questions that need to be answered, and some of these questions are difficult. How you handle your income tax is an example of a divorce problem you may be facing...
taxes after a divorce

Filing Taxes After A Divorce

Filing taxes after a divorce can be tricky. In fact, your first tax bill after a divorce might serve as a surprising and major financial blow. When a couple divorces, whatever their marital status...