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custody, child custody

Custody Orders – 3 You Should Insist Upon!

Contrary to popular belief, California family law courts don’t favor the mother more than the father when it comes to divorce or establishing child custody. The best interests of your child are considered which...
The Holidays and Divorce

Tackling the Holiday Blues

If you are a newly-separated dad, you are probably missing your kids and the holiday traditions you shared.  Even if you will have your children for part of the time during the holidays, it...
College Expenses and divorce

Who Pays for College?

Will you, your spouse or both be required to pay for college for your children? This depends on your divorce agreement and, to a certain extent, what a judge orders in your case. There...
men's rights Custody

Men’s Rights Focus of New Custody Laws

The State of Massachusetts is paving the way for fathers to exercise more rights when it comes to divorce and the relationship with their children. In an attempt to increase paternal presence for children,...