Custody and Visitation 101: The Labels - The Men's Legal Center


Custody and Visitation 101: The Labels

If you are divorced and have children, then you are in the family law system until the children are around 18. So, it makes sense to understand the rules and language of the family court system. This will help you better navigate your way through and negotiate a custody and visitation agreement with the other parent.

When custody and visitation is contested, then a party needs to be ready to present his or her child sharing proposal at the Family Court Servicer Counseling (FCS) meeting. A party should have worked on his or her case before the meeting and needs to have identified relevant factors and factored them into the proposal.

Relevant factors in working up a child sharing plan include the children’s age, distance between the parties’ residences, and the transportation time, transport distance to the schools, and each party’s work schedules and support system.

Often one key factor will determine the best child sharing plan. For example, if one party constantly works the night shift, normally the children would stay with the other party.  Often a parent who opted for a night shift because the other parent was home can shift to a day shift to facilitate co-parenting.

Children need both parents even if the parties separate as parents bring different skillsets to the upbringing and education of their children.

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