Current Amount of Delinquent Child Support at Nearly $11 Billion


Texas Places Current Amount of Delinquent Child Support at Nearly $11 Billion


Child support is an obligation that is ordered by a court that is to be paid by parents of children who do not have primary custody of them.  This obligation is taken very seriously by courts all over the United States, and failing to remain current on child support payments can lead to serious legal problems that include criminal penalties and even incarceration in some circumstances.  That doesn’t mean, however, that there is no problem with delinquencies regarding child support payments around the country.

Texas is the latest state to release statistics regarding the overall amount of child support that is currently delinquent across the state.  According to records provided by the state government, nearly $11 billion in child support payments are currently delinquent.  This logjam of delinquencies is leading to problems with overwhelmed staffs that are charged with attempting to collect these amounts and with law enforcement officials whose job is to pursue parents who are not making these payments.

While this $11 billion number is clearly shocking for almost anyone who sees it, people should remember that the last time California released statistics regarding delinquent child support payments, that number stood at nearly $19 billion.  Many of these problems have arisen at the same time as the economic recession from a few years ago, and many different efforts are being made around the country to work with parents who have not been making their payments.

San Diego Child Support Lawyers

Any parent who may not be able to keep up with child support payments should realize that he is far from alone.  However, he should also realize that it’s better to be proactive in this situation than to simply wait to see what happens, as that will not lead to a positive result.  People need to take steps to work towards adjusting their obligation when necessary.

If you are one of the many parents who is experiencing trouble with these payments, you need to seek the help of San Diego child support lawyers who have been fighting for the rights of fathers for many years.  Contact the Men’s Legal Center today to schedule an initial consultation.

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