The dynamic that exists between spouses is something that has been studied closely for generations, and while no magic formula has been found that allows people to decrease the number of conflicts they encounter with each other, some researchers are learning other important lessons. One of those lessons was recently publicized when a study was released that tracked the amount of conflict that exists between married couples over time.
Specifically, researchers from the Ohio State University and Florida State University collaborated on a study that tracked 1,000 married couples for 20 years. Over time, the level of conflict was measured and rated as low, moderate or high. While the results came as somewhat of a surprise, they showed that over time, people generally remain in the same category of conflict over years and even decades despite the general thinking that people who are married for many years eventually learn to avoid conflict and to coexist more peacefully.
To date, no specific theories have been offered that would attempt to explain this surprising result, but one difference that was found between low conflict and high conflict couples was that those in the low conflict category stated that they often shared decision making duties. It was also surprising that those in high conflict marriages often reported moderate to high levels of happiness in general.
San Diego Divorce Lawyers
Despite all of the efforts that have been made to understand the relationships between husbands and wives, the fact remains that this dynamic and what attracts people to each other remains largely a mystery. In addition, even if married couples disagree often, it does not mean that they are automatically unhappy. Unfortunately, there are people in high conflict marriages who may wonder if they will ever be able to endure such a pattern for a lifetime.
If you find yourself in a marriage that you think needs to end, you need to seek the help of San Diego divorce lawyers who have helped husbands and fathers obtain a fresh start for many years. Contact the Men’s Legal Center today to schedule an initial consultation.