Alcohol is obviously a legal substance for adults, and it can have different levels of influence on people’s lives. One of the ways in which researchers have been studying alcohol recently involves its potential impact on married, single and divorced people, and the results of a recent longitudinal study indicate some clear trends that exist. These trends appear to be unique for men and women as well as for those who are divorced, married and single.
The research was conducted by professionals at the University of Cincinnati, Penn State University, Rutgers University and the University of Texas at Austin. They found that married men tend to consume less alcohol than men who are single or divorced, and that divorced men tend to consume much more alcohol than their gender cohorts. With regards to women, the opposite was found to be true. Married women tend to consume more alcohol than single or divorced women, which many found as a surprise result from the study.
As is almost always the case, experts have chimed in with several different theories regarding these findings and most have encouraged additional studies. Some of these theories include the possibility that divorced men can be somewhat depressed and lonely and that married women are somewhat more secure in their positions than others.
San Diego Divorce Lawyers
This study clearly seems like one that will prompt additional looks at the potential effects of alcohol on marriages and on people of different marital statuses. Most people understand that a lifestyle of heavy alcohol consumption can bring about harm to a marriage, and alcohol has been the root cause of many divorces. People who face this situation still need to take steps to protect their legal rights and interests.
If you are facing the possibility of ending your marriage because of alcohol or for any other reason, you need to seek the help of San Diego divorce lawyers who have been fighting for the rights of husbands and fathers for many years. Contact the Men’s Legal Center today to schedule an initial consultation.