Celebrity divorces are not of much interest to most people, but there are situations that arise with these marriages that can provide some insight into how different aspects of a marriage and/or a divorce can be handled. One such example could be in the process of arising with regards to the possible Salahi divorce. The couple gained notoriety for crashing a White House dinner, and since then they have been in the public eye. Now comes word that their marriage could be ending, and if the leaked tenets of a prenuptial agreement are accurate, it could lead to serious problems for Mrs. Salahi.
According to several sources, a prenuptial agreement that’s in place between Tareq and Michaele Salahi would prevent almost any form of recovery or support to be paid to Mrs. Salahi. Specifically, reports indicate that if Mrs. Salahi leaves the family home, she loses any rights to spousal support. If she commits adultery, she loses her rights to any assets or property accumulated during the marriage.
The allegations that led to the potential divorce include accusations that Mrs. Salahi left the home to continue a romantic relationship with another person. If it comes to it and the prenuptial agreement is in fact valid in the jurisdiction in which it was enacted, it could lead to a prolonged legal battle for the parties.
San Diego Divorce Lawyers
While little regarding this story has been established in a tangible manner, what it should tell husbands and fathers is that if they are concerned about their own security, they should enact either a prenuptial or a postnuptial agreement with their spouse that could make things simpler if the marriage does not work out down the road.
If you have already reached the point where you believe that your marriage is going to end, you need to seek the help of San Diego divorce lawyers who have been fighting for the legal rights of husbands and fathers for many years. Contact the Men’s Legal Center today to schedule an initial consultation.