Why Joint Physical Custody Can Be Good For Your Child's Mental Health


Why Joint Physical Custody Can Be Good For Your Child’s Mental Health

Why Joint Physical Custody Can Be Good For Your Child’s Mental Health

We’ve talked before about how communicating effectively with your ex or soon-to-be-ex can be good for your child’s physical health. Now, there’s a new study saying that 50-50 joint custody is the route to go to maintain your child’s psychological health.

Who carried out the study?

The study was conducted by researchers with Sweden’s Uppsala University. Specifically, the researchers focused on data from questionnaires about stress levels by 3,656 children between the ages of 3-5-years-old.

They compared the behavioral issues and mental tendencies of:

  • 136 children in joint physical custody;
  • 3,369 in nuclear families;
  • 79 living with one parent most of the time; and
  • 72 living with one parent all of the time.

What did the study find?

According to the data, children who live mostly with one parent or spent all of their time with just one parent experienced more difficulties with stress than children in a joint physical custody arrangement.

Why do children seem to respond better in joint physical custody situations?

It all boils down to consistency. When two parents are giving their children consistent messages, they are more likely to feel safe and secure. When one parent has put fort an entirely different set of rules from the other, the child can expend a lot of mental energy trying to make sense of it all.

Does joint physical custody mean our children have to spend the exact same time with each parent?

No. It’s simply too difficult to split the time exactly even. In most instances involving joint physical custody, the child will spend just a little more time with one parent.

If You’re a Man Facing Divorce, Call The Men’s Legal Center

There’s a special bond between child and father. That’s another reason why it’s crucial to contact The Men’s Legal Center if you’re facing divorce. We’ll make sure you have the resources and knowledge to position you for the best possible outcome in family court and help to maintain your bond with your child.

You can reach us at 619-234-3838 or via email.

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