Indiana Stockbrokers Behind on Child Support Could Lose Licenses


Indiana Stockbrokers Behind on Child Support Could Lose Licenses


As the problem regarding the timely payment of child support continues to worsen around the country, state governments are looking into more and more possibilities regarding the potential enforcement of these child support orders.  People who are not making their child support payments on time could already face significant legal problems including jail time in some cases, yet the problem of delinquencies remains prevalent.  Indiana is one state that is attempting a new approach to collecting on past-due payments.

Specifically, a new law is in place that allows the state to suspend the licenses of stockbrokers in Indiana until such time as their child support payments are made current.  The law is aimed at people who are at least $4,000.00 behind overall and who are not currently making payments.  The Secretary of State has sent letters to the people who meet these criteria warning them of this action if they do not take steps to correct these accounts.

The law is being met with outrage in some corners and with strong support in others.  Child support advocates are in favor of just about any steps that are taken to collect on delinquent accounts.  However, opponents of the law state that preventing someone from working will not make it more likely that they will make their payments on time since they would then not be able to generate the income needed for the payments in the first place.

San Diego Child Support Lawyers

While California has its differences from other states regarding the collection of delinquent child support payments, the bottom line is that the state can cause serious problems for someone who is behind on child support.  People who are facing the possibility of falling behind on these payments due to their financial circumstances need to be proactive in dealing with the problem.

If you are one of the many people who is facing this type of an issue, you need to seek the help of San Diego child support lawyers who have been helping fathers through these situations for many years.  Contact the Men’s Legal Center today to schedule an initial consultation.

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