Many men involved in divorces are facing false abuse allegations by their former spouse. These allegations may take the form of reported threats you made toward your spouse or the children or reports of actual physical abuse. In some cases, these allegations are based in fact, but in other cases, the men so accused have done nothing wrong. In fact, alleging abuse has become a preferred method for some women of forcing men to comply with their requests during the divorce process. By simply hinting that there has been abuse, the wife may believe that she can control the situation and force the man to give up money, time with the children or other assets.
Unfortunately, the reality is that this tactic is sometimes successful. Many men are afraid of being labeled abusive and may submit to this type of blackmail in the hope of avoiding a problem. This rarely works; in fact, allowing a former spouse to get away with unfounded accusations may be an invitation for future issues to arise.
How can you handle abuse allegations? The team at the Men’s Legal Center can help. We have represented hundreds of men who have been wrongfully accused of abuse and have helped them seek justice. You can also take some steps to minimize potential risk with your ex-spouse, such as:
- Stop all contact. If your spouse hints at abuse and you know you have done nothing wrong, the first thing to do is to cease all contact immediately and allow your lawyer to handle the situation. Abusers can rarely resist controlling their former spouses and children, so immediately ceasing contact is a great way to show that you are not, in fact, the abusive person your wife claims. Your attorney is a far better choice to handle communication with your spouse in this situation.
- Have a witness. Any time you must interact with your spouse, have a witness if at all possible. Ask a friend you trust to ride with you when you pick up your children for visitation and when you drop them off. Do not get out of the car unless it is necessary, and under no circumstances respond to taunts or threats by your ex. Have your friend video the entire episode on a cell phone if possible.
- Document interactions. If you must communicate with your spouse about your children, email rather than call and keep copies of your correspondence by sending CCs to your lawyer. Be sure to forward any responses you receive to your attorney as well.
By documenting your interactions and avoiding contact, you can prevent yourself from being drawn into your ex’s drama.
Call the attorneys at the Men’s Legal Center today for more help.