Some men find it difficult to make ends meet after finalizing their divorce and paying alimony and child support each month. In fact, some men are forced to take a second job on the weekends or in the evenings to make ends meet. If you do take a second job, keep a few things in mind, according to the attorneys at Men’s Legal Center:
- Be sure it is worth it. Before you spend all your spare time at another job, see if you can reduce your expenses or consolidate some bills. Working overtime can take a significant toll on your mental and physical health.
- Understand the risks. If you get a second job after your divorce, or request overtime work, there is a chance that your ex will find out and will petition the court to increase child support payments. Child support is based on your overall income, so adding income from a second job or from overtime will likely increase your child support payments.
- Be prepared to show your expenses. If your expenses are so great that you are forced to work a second job, document them and be prepared to show them if a judge asks to see them. In some cases, judges may actually reduce child support payments if the father is suddenly saddled with enormous, unavoidable bills, such as medical expenses.
- Understand arrearages. If you are in arrears on your child support payments, it is very likely that the judge will order a garnishment of your wages from your second job in addition to your first in order to pay the back child support amounts.
- Talk with your ex. If you have a good relationship with your ex-wife, you may be able to discuss the matter with her. Explain that you are taking a part-time job or requesting overtime to pay off bills and that you will then have more time and money to spend on the children. Of course, this only works if you stay friends with your former spouse.
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If you are having trouble managing child support, alimony and other expenses related to your divorce, the attorneys at Men’s Legal Center may help. These attorneys have many years of helping men who are struggling in all aspects of divorce and custody. Contact them today for a consultation and learn more about your rights and how you can protect them.