Divorce Selfies & Cakes Take Misery Out of Separation


Divorce Selfies & Cakes Take Misery Out of Separation

misery, divorce selfies, san diego

From cakes that feature male wedding toppers pushing their brides from the icing to cheerful selfies of couples taken just after they’ve filed divorce papers, there seems to be an emerging trend to ditch the misery that is often associated with divorce.

Why Are Couples Doing This?

Let’s face it: we live in a society steeped in self-obsession. Ditching traditional forms of communication like conversation and telephone calls, photos are among the main ways to get a message across.

In the case of the divorce selfie, many soon-to-be former couples are using the medium to let family and friends know that both parties are fine with the decision to split. Many divorce selfies are accompanied by captions emphasizing a theme of mutual caring and continued friendships.

With divorce cakes as the latest trend, former husbands and wives are perhaps stretching our boundaries of good taste with messages designed to elicit laughter and put an exclamation point on their now jaded view of marriage. A recent article in the Daily Mail devoted to the subject featured photos of divorce cakes; one with the bride topper – equipped with boxing gloves – knocking out her groom; another that featured the bride dragging her groom by the leg with the caption, “Taking the garbage out!” Another cake featured this message in icing script: “I do, I did…I’m DONE!”

In the majority of the instances of divorce selfies and cakes, the couples seem to be embracing divorce for what it is: a transition point for both parties. Nothing more, nothing less. In fact, the selfies and cakes are seen as a real and tangible extension of the notions of platonic co-parenting and conscious uncoupling.

What if the Kids See This?!

There’s an abundance of research showing that children of divorced parents experience a better life when they have attention and love from both parents. The children will have a much better chance to thrive in life when both parents are seen as team players and are involved in their lives. The selfies and the cakes – well, the cakes with nice messages on them – can reassure children that both parents are at peace with the decision to divorce.

We’re all for people being able to make things easier on themselves during difficult life changes like divorce. We are also very much aware that divorce is a serious step, and one that should be taken only after serious and thoughtful consideration. If you’re considering divorce or have been served with divorce papers, you need the expert advice and help of the attorneys at Men’s Legal Center in San Diego. Our number is (619) 234-3838.


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