Discover The Meaning Of A Good Divorce


Discover The Meaning Of A Good Divorce

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A few years ago, TIME magazine featured a cover story entitled “The Rise of the ‘Good Divorce.’” The obvious question is, “what exactly is a good divorce?”

We’ll talk about it in this issue.

What is a good divorce?

In their story, TIME editors pointed to the divorce between Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow after 10 years of marriage. They specifically pointed to a quote Paltrow gave during that time about “conscious coupling.”

Paltrow went on to explain it as a way for divorcing parents “to be partners in each other’s spiritual progress” for the sake of the children as well as for their own.

While Paltrow was initially mocked for her remark, larger demographic trends apparently show that the idea of a good divorce is catching on.

In the article, the president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers confirmed that, because many states require some form of mediation for couples before divorcing, more people are “taking (divorce) more seriously and we’re seeing more settlements that court battles.”

How do I make my divorce a “good divorce?”

Writing in Psychology Today, Dr. Sam Margulies offered these characteristics for a good divorce, and how they can benefit you.

  • Emotional closure for both partners
    Emotionally, neither one of you are leaving anything on the table. You’ve both “disengage from the relationship and the conflict,” and are leaving it behind.
  • Successful post-divorce social life
    You’ve both developed a network of friends, and are ready to enjoy life after divorce.
  • Basic trust
    Neither of you is demonizing the other, and you give one another the benefit of the doubt if disputes arise.
  • Good communication
    You can both communicate effectively.

Are You a Man Facing Divorce? Call The Men’s Legal Center in San Diego

Too often, divorce is thought of as a bad thing, but it doesn’t have to be that way at all. The fact is none of us ever stop growing and changing, and divorce can give you that opportunity to continue to find your true self and enable you to enjoy a life full of positive relationships.

Here at The Men’s Legal Center, we’re committed to providing legal expertise and representation for men in Family Court in San Diego and the surrounding areas. We represent husbands, fathers and non-custodial parents alike.

To contact The Men’s Legal Center, call (619) 234-3838 or send an email.

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