More Than 20 Percent of American Men Have Been Through Divorce


Census Data Reveals More Than 20 Percent of American Men Have Been Through Divorce


For generations, divorce has carried with it a social stigma that has been difficult for people to ignore and to live down. However, that all began to change in recent years as more and more jurisdictions moved to a no-fault divorce system. However, many men who face the end of their marriages still have a hard time coping with the feeling that they are all alone with their struggle and that no one else could possibly understand the situation that they are facing.

Fortunately, the United States Census Bureau has recently released statistics regarding the number of men living in the United States who have been through at least one divorce, and these statistics should be telling for many. More than 20 percent of all males currently living in the United States have been divorced at least one time during their lives. This equates to millions of people who have been through this difficult process and who do understand how difficult it is to begin again when it’s over.

Obviously, this statistic should tell anyone who is facing the end of his marriage that he is far from alone, as the Census Bureau has also stated that this statistic has remained relatively constant for a period of at least a decade. Men who are facing this situation should therefore find a way to avoid feeling shame or guilt because a marriage did not work out for them.

San Diego Men’s Divorce Lawyers

One of the many reasons that men should work past these completely normal emotions is because they also need to take immediate steps to protect their legal rights. They should do so by making sure that they have the help and guidance of experienced professionals who understand what it takes to emerge from this process with an opportunity for a positive fresh start.

If you are facing the possibility of ending your marriage, you need to seek the help of San Diego men’s divorce lawyers who have been fighting for the rights of husbands and fathers for many years. Contact the Men’s Legal Center today to schedule an initial consultation.

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